The First Town in the First State.

The start of my Run Across America next year will begin in Lewes, Delaware which is the First town in the First state of our Union. It is located on the Delaware Bay, and is situated in eastern Sussex County. The town dates back to 1631 and it’s beauty is second to none with houses that beautify the landscape both Historically and Architecturally. Some sights to see while there are The Fisher-Martin House, Cape Henlopen State Park, and The Cannonball House which has ties to the war of 1812.
I am setting in Williamsburg, Va on vacation in my Hotel room while writing this Blog entry. I cannot help but think that a lot of what has been accomplished in this Nation had it’s origin’s just a few miles away in Colonial Williamsburg. Thanks to the first Governor Patrick Henry and his successor Thomas Jefferson for their great efforts in helping to establish law’s that would govern this great land.
I too am excited about making History next year in my Run Across America Journey. To see each 14 States and their landscape as I pass through will be an added plus for my historical trip.
Finally, 3117 miles @ four+ months will be the fulfillment of my lifelong dream and the pleasure of my glorifying God in all things!

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